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About Us
Who are we?
We are a faith based community in the middle of Pearly City, where ALL are welcome.
We confesses that:
we are saved by God's grace alone,
in faith in Christ’s saving work
and not because of any merit on our part,
we are accepted by God and
receive the Holy Spirit, who renews our hearts
while equipping and calling us to good works.
We are part of the
Pacifica Synod of the
Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA).
Which is in turn a part of the
Lutheran World Federation (LWF) and the
World Council of Churches.
A message from Pastor JP
Welcome. I am glad you are here!
Joy of Christ is an open and affirming congregation. Our mission is to "Joyfully share God’s Love in Christ". Joy of Christ has “worship of God” at our center, closely followed by “service of humanity”.
Joy of Christ is a welcoming community. No matter who you are, you are welcomed and accepted here.
Praying Community: We pray for people in need. We meet every Wednesday on zoom and spend time in a brief reflection on the word of God, and then pray for each other and others. You are welcome to join us, or send us your prayer requests.
Caring Community: We care for each other and for others by giving a helping hand to those in need. We meet once a month preparing burritos to feed the hungry.
If you are on the island please visit us in person. If you are not on the island please worship with us online at our Facebook Live Stream.
May God bless you, and keep you in God’s grace,
Your servant in Christ,
JP Sabbithi.
Pastor and Regional Assistant to the Bishop
Pacifica Synod, ELCA
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